Time for Homoeopathic vaccines or nosodes
A vaccine is biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease .A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the body’s immune system to recognize the agent as a threat, destroy it, and to further recognize and destroy any of the microorganisms associated with that agent that it may encounter in the future.
Allopathy is a combination of two Greek words -allo meaning different and pathy meaning suffering .It was a term coined by founder of Homoeopathy ,Samuel Hahneman to describe a system that allowed substances opposite in action to suffering .Homoeopathy was founded by him with the principle of “similar cures similar”
Vaccines by the above definitions are not allopathic in nature .Now it is also agreed that origin of vaccine has been in the practice of inoculation perfected in India in around fifth century A D to provide immunity against smallpox.
There are two methods of preparing biological substances or vaccines .In allopathy ,these are prepared as per respective pharmacoepias or rules .In Homoeopathy ,the principle of making vaccines (termed as nosodes )is also well defined .
Thus the starting materials for the two are the same but difference lies in the method of manufacturing,storage ,handling,administration etc .
Government of India (GOI)has come up with “new drugs and clinical trials rules 2019 “for allopathy wherein the entire procedure for making and marketing new vaccines is laid down .As there are no rules relating to Homoeopathy ,new Homoeopathic vaccines or nosodes are expected to follow these rules in relevant parts like clinical trials .
COVID 19 is a flu variant and track record of flu vaccines is a probable indicator of things to come .As per data from U S ,effectiveness of flu vaccines or shots over last 16 years (from 2004 to 2019)has varied from 10 % to 60% with an average of around 40% for protection of a year .In India ,the efficacy is expected to be much less due to many factors especially cold chain disruption .Thus .prospects of total protection to masses through allopathic vaccines for flu like pandemic look impossible .
GOI is of the view that keeping safety and efficacy levels the same it is open to all sciences and pathies .It is hence time for concerted working on development of Homoeopathic vaccines or nosodes for COVID 19 and others
Making of vaccines is no more a rocket science .It can be done in prescribed facilities with the biological materials that are easily available .For bringing them to market ,complex ,arduous and expensive process of clinical trials is to be traversed .This is however feasible now at least upto phase 2.The next phase 3 trials can be undertaken by entrepreneurs after looking at results and assessing risks .
If homoeopathic vaccine passes phase 3 trials ,benefits are colossal .Firstly ,cold chain need will vanish as they will be stable at ambient temperature .Secondly ,administration costs will go down with oral versions .Thirdly ,shelf life will be longer .And fourthly manufacturing large number of doses for billions of people will be feasible .
In the vaccine domain ,bulk purchases are by government and marketing costs are expected to be lower than sunk costs of clinical trials and approvals .
Acquired immunity of people to epidemics and infections by cost effective Homoeopathic vaccines will indeed be a boon to the world .It is time that we became pathy agnostic and supported all rational approaches while keeping safety and efficacy levels the same .
There is actually no single solution to our problems .It is evident from the fact that the most powerful branch of allopathy viz vaccines does not work on allopathic but a kind of Homoeopathic principle .
S B Dangayach
Founder Trustee
Innovative Thought Forum
National Vice President
Arogya Bharati