All the experts now agree and statistics show that CV is here to stay in the world for years. It is impossible to eliminate it and hence have to manage to live with it as we are doing with many other virus, bacteria and hazards.
CV is not as dangerous as thought earlier. According to records, mortality with CV is 1-2 % as against swine flu that is 1-4% and higher rates for many others.
After all deliberations, we have only following solutions for CV right now.
#WMD (washing, masking and distancing) – For protection
#TQ (Testing and quarantining)- For prevention of spreading
#AYUSHA ( AYUSH+Allopathy) for immunity boosting and treatment
CV deaths are getting all attention in media.We have a lot more deaths due to many other reasons everyday .Even accidents kill 500 people a day in India .We have not stopped driving on road because of chances of accident
We thus have a risk with each activity in life but work out our plan to balance risk ,cost,benefit etc and go on working without undue panic or scare
Experts and wise people agree that death and disease are independent of each other .Death comes at a predetermined time to all ,healthy or sick.
Time for all stakeholders and media to put things in perspective and report daily or weekly the following
#Deaths due to top 10 causes
#Deaths due to CV with comorbidities
#Deaths due to CV alone
In short, need to take all precautions, build immunity through AYUSH, adopt healthy lifestyle and stay away from fear for new normal life.
S.B. Dangayach