Random thoughts on COVID 19
COViD 19 was perceived as a form of pneumonia and presented itself as a set of flu like symptoms. Branding of this disease as a new threat under current label catalysed all types of actions. ”One size fits all“ solutions became the norm. Result-massive fear and panic all around +crash of economy. If we use our simple sense ,we get the following picture. Mumbai, Chennai, or Ahmedabad
– 1000 new cases a day (Assumption)
– 900 persons to be treated at home or in select nursing areas requisitioned from inventory like hostels, party plots, banquet halls, schools, colleges, Dharamshala, hotels etc
– All to be given treatment thru Allopathy and /or AYUSH
– 100 cases a day x 15 days means 1500 rooms in hospitals with this approach
– With doubling can go up to 3000 rooms for whole of Delhi or Mumbai
- To reduce migration of mild or moderate cases into serious
- To treat mild or medium cases at home or designated places using mobile clinics or staff
- To reduce panic to avoid rush of people to hospitals
- To distribute immunity boosters like Homoeopathic Ars Alb 30 and Ayurvedic preparation as per advisory in aggressive and extensive manner as they are nominal in cost, safe and easy to distribute thru variety of means
# It is a disaster like situation and we have to think 360 degrees. ”Should not follow one size fits all “approach. Should become “vocal for local “and demand treatment by qualified AYUSH practitioners in all stable and non-critical cases.
# COVID 19 is contagious flu to a very large extent descending into pneumonia like syndrome in some cases can be treated at home or designated isolation centres for simple treatment in 90% cases by using technology, telemedicine, mobile services etc
# Hospitalisation needed only for serious or critical cases by most doctors and trained nursing staff
# Have to lead our normal life with caution to remain happy, healthy and vibrant
# Distribution of immunity boosters like Ars Alb 30 and Ayurvedic Kadhas to all citizens to reduce incidence, morbidity and mortality.
S B Dangayach
Founder Trustee
Innovative Thought Forum (ITF)
National Vice President
Arogya Bharati (AB)